Saturday, April 20, 2013

Intuitive hits on breaking news of the Boston Marathon explosions

I, like everyone else, was riveted to the TV with the breaking news of the Boston Marathon explosions.  It is a horrific tragedy.  I send positive thoughts and prayers to all the families who were hurt and/or lost loved ones.

I use, test, try to build and work with my intuition skills while watching the breaking news casts.  Putting CNN's news reporting errors, to the side, I was thinking that the younger brother Dzokar, could have been heavily influenced, bullied or talked into participating in this event by his older brother Tamalyn, that he was quite scared out of his mind while the town-wide search for him was being conducted, that he and his brother possibly talked about what they would do, if Tamalyn was injured with the possibility of being captured.  

Quite possibly the plan was to kill Tamalyn so that he couldn't be questioned for further information.  Dzokar does not have any information. He was not the one who was planning this.  I got the feeling he was just going along with it because Tamalyn needed the help to carry it out. He was following his brother so far behind in the videos. The breaking news said this was perhaps military style formation, from military training.

I later learned, we all later learned, from the continual breaking news, that Tamalyn had been to Russia in 2012, for a number of months. the breaking news has suggested that he might have been meeting with others to learn terrorism techniques.

This news negated my intuitive thinking that they were acting alone, that they were purely domestic terrorists.

Next time, I'd like to write these hits I get as the news unfolds, in real time.  I look forward to finding out more of the story and if any of my hits were right.     

Anybody else try to increase their intuitive skills by doing something similar to what I do? Please tell me about it.  I look forward to hearing from you.